Armed robbery with a screwdriver
Last Friday, someone held up the government liquor store by threatening the clerk with a screwdriver.
Several years ago a series of holdups victimized clerks in convenience stores ("convenience" in the Canadian sense --- you can't get any beer there) and gas stations. That perpetrator was also armed with a screwdriver.
It didn't take me very long to figure out that if I was working nights in the 7-Eleven or the PetroCan station I'd totally want to have a Black & Decker power drill under the counter. But I guess that's just because I am an American, and prone to over reacting to the "need to do something --- anything --- in my own defense. (Or "defence" as they say here.)
This is what happens in a kinder, gentler country where people are horrified at the notion of owning handguns: You have teenagers in touques (say "tewks") brandishing screwdrivers, holding up night shift clerks for a carton of smokes and a packet of fried pork rinds.
The local SpokesMountie at the time said that there just weren't enough Mounties to have much hope of catching the guy, but after the video tapes aired on the local news, the kid turned himself in.
Oh. Canada. It takes some getting used to.
This time, the Mounties were in pursuit, even bringing the K9 unit. Unfortunately, Constable Fraser and Diefenbaker were busy, and the guy got away.
No word if the bad guy was using a Robertson screwdriver.